AI Studies

The web application contains 8 levels with different AIs. Some use FSMs (Finite State Machines). Others use GOAP (Goal-Oriented Action Planning). There is also another level with freight containers and cranes. However, the development status is far from complete.


  • Mouse Only. Use the left mouse button to select something or hold down the right mouse button to rotate the view.
  • The app is only fully functional in full screen mode.


  • Not supported.


  • There is no friendly fire, no range or height restrictions and no hit probabilities.
  • There are no environmental objects or similar that can absorb damage. This means that units behind other units can also be targeted.
  • The tactical depth comes solely from the angles of attack and heat effects.
  • All rules are displayed before entering the level selection menu for the first time.

Background Info

  • Part of my investigation is also to examine player perception, which is why there is a survey after each level. These surveys contain 13 questions each and last around 2-5 minutes. The surveys are opened in a new browser tab. The surveys can also be skipped.
  • If you start the app in the usual way, you will be assigned to a random test group.
Published 2 days ago
Made withUnity
TagsMechs, Prototype, Singleplayer, Tactical
Average sessionA few minutes


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Known issue:
Unity's default button to enter full screen mode (marked red in the screenshot) can cause problems at startup. To avoid this problem, click directly in the black area. The fullscreen mode should then be activated automatically.